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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  September 14, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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increase ordered at embassies all around the the threat of more violence looms. accused of classmate on the school has a e victim. r th not have any does planned this time around? one. is up. tell you coming 5:00 a.m. this is "good morning washington." n your side. it is a guessing game every weekend. >> how can you travel through city? washington. to you, friday, september 14.
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e waking up with us. m cynne simpson. steve chenevey. start things off with jackie. another great day but approachingld front t bringing changes our forecast. how the cloudsee pushing in across parts of west. in d.c. . in dulles in gaithersburg. cloudy by this afternoon. at noon and 81 at 5:00. might see some sprinkles in tonight and cooler emperatures for the weekend. about what you again ect when i see you minutes.10 l take a look at traffic with angela. > thank you. good morning. e have made it to friday morning. for the d out the door day of the workweek, still for the most cely art. the belt way in county you'll see
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and outer loop traffic moving well. here at k live avenue. ut meantime, traveling in up to the 14th bridge, first your h.o.v. reopened after maintenance. is moving well from the all the way up to 395. activity in more northbound direction but no l wide open with delays for the morning our friday commute. back over to you. thanks, angela. now. s the time being taken atns around the globe more violent protest. comes after we learn those e search for the attacks that killed our americans. officials say four have been arrested this with that connection that killed four mericans in libya.
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officials are possible r more protests in the muslim following today's weekly prayers. protests i-american across the arab world his morning. cairo, police are using tear of owdsispers rotests. smashed windows and s of the u.s. in the -- compound. video is disgusting and reprehensible. there is no justification. none at all. for responding to this video with violence. violence began on the nniversary of the september 11 attacks of the u.s. consulate in
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libya. left four ur siege ericans dead including the .s. ambassador chris stapet state employee sean smith. a former navy eal. brother but if you friends, he was their as well. in overnment officials here . agents say f.b.i will he new york office be arriving in libya to assist with the investigation. news. labanji, abc 7 count on the "good morning washington" team to keep constantly updating facebook and twitter. a man who planned to kill bomb the a plot to will be sentenced .oday h undercover f.b.i.
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his parents id receive up to $1,000 after attacks. ed the arrested in he showed up at the apital wearing a vest. a tribute planned at central. ross, the 18-year-old death tuesday orning as he walked to school. the latest on the outpouringon and the emotion from the community. month ol started about a here in prince george's have been students murdered. oth cases are wide open. of a central rder days chool student, three still no motive. o arrests. marckel ross was simply walking to chool. school uniform with bag.chool book and raw emotions at a
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night. ght vigi friends and relatives up.ed junior, a member of the a member of the rotc nd aspiring model. family met with prince hoping to get prevent this nterest happening again. still don't believe it him. en happened to deserves to die like hat walking to school. afternoon, is undreds of students here at central high school are going to on the football field. going wear light shirts and release hundreds honor of their classmate. rince george's police saying beefed up security on e path that students walk to school. accusedaryland teenager shooting a classmate on the
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says he is school orry for it. 15-year-old robert he wants to meet victim, daniel borowy. home from the hospital saying he i forward to making tacos. that millions watched on the moon is going to be at sea today. 1,000 people packed national cathedral to goodbye to the national con. died last month 2 years old following indications from heart surgery. again ago schools closed today. said the union its latest dering proposal. union leaders did not comment on students but hope that class by monday. the fifty day of what
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now the first teachers strike the city in 25 years. riders, get ready. closures.more l tell you which lines to closures.more anncr: a good job. it's the key to a good life. but it isn't always easy to find one... a vote for question seven is a vote for marand bs. two thousand construction jobs to build a new resort casino.
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four thousand permanent jobs, paying... on average fifty five thousand a year. six thousand jobs from increased tourism... and table games like blackjack and poker. add it up: it's twelve thousand new maryland jobs. but to build it you have to vote for it. vote for question seven. and get maryland back to work.
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and good morning, washington. looking at the jefferson degrees where it is 64 skies out lear there. morning. l start this temperatures more representative into the 50's the area. dulles. winchester. 0 in culpeper as well. the forecast today. approaching from west. through the great lakes most of the day and should tonight. e by you can see some of the our ness picking up on already by this and some sprinkles in, especially in western our viewing area for games tonight us will not need the . brella cooling down by omorrow morning. clear those skies right e back in the 70's highs.or today, a st for of patchy fog out
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morning. partly cloudy skies. high, 83 degrees. weekend forecast couldn't be better. ook at that. afternoon high it is y and by sunday, to be feeling like fall high of 76. temperatures will 50's again,he lower outlying areas so want a jacket ly that early morning run. how things are highways. he angela? fine re moving along just part, as a matter of we start in virginia. drive in, you should find any trouble spots as past sully road the belt way a nice easy pace for you. 7, leesberg all light flow ofth a traffic. the and, a light look at way on new hampshire avenue. makes.difference a day
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ice and dry for you. lanes moving well. also clear and moving ithout delays. >> thanks so much. now and 62 degrees. up, nintendo plans to its newest gaming system.
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little extra time. you're planning on using metro to get around. e green line will not be park and green elt. between van he is noma. open a little bit usual sunday. running at 6:00 a.m. is will help some of the and spectators get navy half marathon. g for the are payin service. organizers could voon a
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soon have aother -- ride. , smoother have been running since the crash that people. ne ailure ofame on a automation system. verse mixed feelings about he move. not too cool about that. we had this accident. as there is no i think it is a great thing. ntsb said metro has its 22 d 5 of recommendations. springsteen and the e are going to put on concert at nationals park. part of their wrecking ball world tour. tickets are still available online. take care of our end of played at the e obama speech at the
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national convention. then, sales of the song soared 409%. that's how much increase in will see. >> >> the weather will be good. the good news. might see some sprinkles on the. cold front is approaching. live start off with a and show is morning u what things look like over the potomac. that ou can see some of eady moving over the ridge. a littleear skies with fog developing in the of that. feeling really good. district. in the dulles. at manassas. b.w.i. is 56 morning. this morning in annapolis.
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a degree above where we this time of year. average high was 81. 80. cease dropping down a little bit. minutes ng about two per weekend is a autumnal equinox. an you believe it? features today skies you the clear here with the louds still trying to move in, cold front ith that some showers across the great lakes today. rier air --ow falling apart energy with this front o going to be pushing up north. squeeze out some tonight but that is it. to be about weekend.uin your 78-83 degrees. a few clouds. sprinkle maybe. 56-64. seven-day he forecast. that really nice through the weekend and
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a few but sunshine and our chance of rain by tuesday and this a pretty significant rain.f getting some use a little ould bit as well. hat's your forecast. with check on traffic now angela. > thank you, good morning, veryone. good streak the stopped. a problem on the traveling maryland green belt and college line of ll see a side of the right there.reen is basically stopped on of the belt way 1.ding up to route lane isly only the left open. lice activity resulting in a blocking three lanes. open atly one left lane 1 on the belt way and of that is a major backup. alert if you're heading out in next few minutes. so much. learning the price tag nintendo's newest gaming system. iphone providers scram g to
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to win new customers. t features a 6.2 inch h.d. and camera and it i lous to record shows and movies. go on sale with a $300. g price of e iphone 5 and carriers are your business. a similar deal but only data plan customers. ntil california x law kicks in. getting a new logo. streamlinedsays the reflects its shift away online auction and toward newly priced merchandise. [ male announcer ] for the dreamers...
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and those well grounded. for what's around thisorner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments,
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and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. it's 5:25 now. breaking owing some ews. new video of a chase in prince george's . unty the still looking to get here. confirmed you can see, several police ng after that vehicle. road at long annapolis way. lt hearing that the taken into now been
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so we're hoping to details.more pass them along to you as they are available. that ball in the air. eft field. in. it! rioles win wow. just that close. drove in the game 149 inner.he - 14th inning. baltimore? not lost an extra inning game since april. yankees won rk y as well. yankees remain the top of the national league east. here is tim brant with the burgundy and gold. the redskins had another game rehearsal.
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concerned n anderson mike shanahan is e garcon is at pierr ot 100%. skins are 1-0 riding a confidence. ave of derell young. like said, it has been -- not has been rough, you know? here, you guys are in thing. good people want to speak to things. positive only get better. the redskins are favored by rams.over the st. louis a look at sports. great day, everybody. 5s:27 everybody. continues here with "good morning washington" at :30. we have the very on security at american university. that shot back to
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picture.ake a live showed you that amazing the police chase. ended. where it all beltway. one.oute you can see traffic backed up on way with all the police . esence there way with all the police . esence there we'll get the been shopping so smart, cash back with your freedom card getting cash back on what? close shave and haircut fan for the ceiling. you're gonna cool off that hoooounddd! tonight you gotta get your cash back, on new slacks. use freedom on lunch with jack. everybody get! everybody get! get your cash back.
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chase freedom. hor get the yard ready for cool energy bill weather?size? the answer? a lot less. the great american fix-up is going on now... ...with new projects every week and big savings every day. so you can do what needs to be done. today. more saving. more doing. that's t the power of the home depot. prep your garden for fall. three bags of earthgro mulch is just $10.
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do nothing to obody. nobody at all. till a lot of questions. washington. friday, september 14. cynne simpson.
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we get ready for the weekend. can't wait. weather is going to be us. ct for in the meantime, we have a of changes. you a live picture towercam overlooking to potomac. the lincoln memorial. erything looks good to start today. with few clouds developing this afternoon. approachingfront is d move on and shoul into real tonight a fewtomorrow morning and e possible as a of that cold fronts g your express forecast. oday mostly sunny. 9:00. noontime, 76 and by 5:00, and 81. oudy you on the time coming in t rain potentially for tonight and give ou a better look at that weekend forecast. hat's 10 minutes away. is traffic. we had some d, reaking news earlier with that
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chase. hat we're showing you now is the police after resulted in a crash 1 at the belt way's loop. squeezing by to the eft. baltimore washington parkway. brakes crawling up to route 1. delay from . 1-i-21 over to news. >> thanks. been a deadly morning in at least 51 here dead after a bus and collided. survived. extent of their injuries are known. others were killed hit a ir tractor roadside bomb.
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have been arrested. is in the news the latest on this. s of protests and growing concerns are anger of an anti-islam o could intensify. have taken to the 11 nations including yemen and iraq following consulate in u.s. libya that killed a ambassador and three other americans. raided a safe house inside commound. we're learning the of two more victim it is from that attack. and glen dougherty. family spoke out om his hometown in massachusetts. > glen lived his life to the fullest.
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but if you other, his friends, he was their as well. the navy in joined and was a decorated member elite nave seal team by time he left active duty in 004. learned that f.b.i. from the new york office libya soon arriving in assist in the investigation. thanks. the rse you can count on "good morning washington" team bring you all the latest s velopments from overseas a they happen. find instant updates on facebook and ur twitter pages. shooting two y of s deputies expected to sentenced today. pled guilty in july to several banks and as well as woman aking her car. guilty in 2010 to deputies.wo
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suspected of killing at a virginia sychiatric hospital. virginia man whose murder overturned could if he will be m jail. fro wolfe, earlier this year, threw out his onviction. plan to s say they him. parents want that case ropped entirely. investigation e northeast with circumstances. 7, a woman abc a man in the 300 block street killing him. told police that started frontation with the victim hitting the suspect. o word at this point are going toharges filed. lso prince george's county they have increased high s near central school. the heel mes on shooting death of
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marckel ross. students here at high school will gather is afternoon on the football field. hey will all wear light blue hundreds of ease of the second or this new school ear. and still no er arrest.nd t -year-old marckel ross sho and killed while twuge school. e didn't do nothing to obody. nobody at all. sobs and raw a candlelight vigil. h to handle. muc said he can't ill a someone would in cold blood. still don't believe it to him. happened the junior seemed to have a future. on the track team and the rotc. in
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with police et hope too get answer and a way to prevent this from this time, we don't know d or not. was targete what we have up to this point is a good kid. john gonzales, abc 7 news. candidates focused on a for a ound virgini straight day one day romney stopped for fairfax. youngest son will make the ounds today. hispanic ke part dialogue in ashburn. ryan will attend a rally at he washington county speak this and also in d.c. romney is headed back to state of ohio today. speak this afternoon at
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erie college. president obama is workers. erican defended her and said we have come in four years to change direction now. t of the res ticket, president eventattending a campaign a private residence in the istrict tonight. jill biden attending three events in minnesota. more on the breaking news chase n after a police the beltway at route 1. live picture here of the crash scene. emergency vehicles still there. little damage to the sign as well. little damage to the sign as well. traffic the live
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in theeople, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those o are making our communities stronger.
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hi. in bethesda, maryland. e're birthdays baking. a slice of heaven. >> good morning, washington! oh, that is makings me hungry his morning.
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ood morning, washington. some ou're having t getting up and getting going. beautiful picture at 54 degrees. e moonn see a sliver of th a little bit of loudiness. to be seeing ng ore clouds than we have over a cold front s now. ches most part, we'll see than cloudiness. day get, the more we're going to start to see. squeeze ng to try to a sprinkfrl this cold front. cloudy skies. degrees. stray sprinkle. be in bed. sunny.w mostly d the seven-day forecast howing you the weekend will be dry. high temperatures in the 70's re but a good chance of rain week. t out next the latest on the orecast. the latest on the
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traffic. there are big traffic accident the beltwayourse on maryland at route 1. have live pictures for you to is unfolding as we speak. a matter of fact, major elays and backups. occurred at route 1. left ing by just on the ide. slowly eing traffic etting by. involved in the after that police right here.nded ave a live view show you opper to bad the backup is. folks heading out in the minutes, delays well before the to ay and this is going your drive southbound on as well. kway keep you posted and give an update in our next report. thanks so much. 5:44 now and 61 degrees. come. l to drinks getting put on new york.
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how far apart are your contractionses? she said a minute maybe. ok. gives birth on a gas bathroom floor. who made sure
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6:00 here on ood morning washington," investigators released smash lance video of a nd grab heist. take a look at this. california apple store. out if the getaway driver good. with those is making it easier for etermine your six kevin bacon separation. hockey fansthe news to hear. lockout looming. tell you when new seasonut for the underway.
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hat's all ahead. of the e heat residential election season, political i influence might . rprise you cartoonists including probably work you recognize. w do they choose what to lampoon? ny?t is truly fun some of the th have an ts who could who becomes our next president. join us at 5:00 today. well, it is hard to imagine a gas station bathroom the right place to baby. it was not planned that way the it was the right time. sunday i was going to go l shing with my friend wil here. fishing plansll's something farinto different. . she jumps out i need a phone. need a phone. 911. to call a chevron andd at
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a distraught family had also just stopped. obviously in labor. i was worried. going to have a -section and it was not time to come asked her how far apart are contraction? said a minute maybe. was ok. told me i'm going to help you. over here. e down to go, the else floor inside the gas delivery room the will went to work. a couple of robust mom gave a few more next thing i know i a little baby in my hand. alarming. ty he was limp. on mom's belly over. took sean handed her to me. cleared the air way. cough and a breath
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ashen gray. from immediately. little jennifer, now at home, has a great tell when she grows up. that is amazing. wow. 5:51 now. gulp getting a big boot the big apple. of health ty's board voted to ban all large drinks. restaurants s in d movie theaters. convenience stores not included. an $8 soda in the movie theater. > exactly. we haven't celebrated halloween yet. to help your kid t their holiday list together. with linda bell newloomberg headquarters in
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york. prices, we are that $100 a barrel mark now. we have recent tension in the we're east and that's why prices spike. those waiting or come the d.c. area, a glan of zpwace now $4 a gallon. have been getting more with ways to save on uel. slowing down, more to stop and driving larger vehicles to save n gas. the list s out with it thinks will be the most after holiday toys this y season. is back with furby. followed by leapfrog's tablet. 2 features a library of
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videos. al games and t will set you back $99. that side business news. linda bell reporting for abc news. weekend, guys. > thank you. christmasfeeling fall. be a week away. equinox is next weekend. up. s coming right it, those days are getting shorter. of utessing tw day. ht every days are shorter and shorter. isthe meantime, the sunshine up. g to get there. at georgetown harbor at degrees at this hour. of patchy fog in e valley. that will impact our commute. part tures for the most ross the region are in the 50's. 53 at dulles. lot cooler over there in martinsburg. in fredericksburg.
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this is the big feature of the day. thing is going to be moving across the great lakes through the day today and as it does so, going to see our winds coming in little bit he south, keeping us still side. warm arrives later evening, you know, there is of steam o be a lot it. is going to energy we couldo the north so sprinkle. a t of football games going on tonight. little bitg to get a cloudiness, if we get a rain, i t of light need an k you'll mbrella. pushing in e clouds afternoon. igh temperatures reach 80. back in the 60's won't be until evening hours that we see begin to move the area. partly cloudy. 70-83. and a ht, a few clouds sprinkle. 60. to around mostly sunny. and there is that
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forecast. weekend. weather. ry forecast. traffic is getting a little bit better. still that accident is on. getting better. start with the good ews. reopened all beltway but not so the damage has y been done. a pretty ing at on the outer ckup lanes of the capital beltway. occurred the accident route 1. extending all the way annapolis road. . an accordingly a look at a et and show you how looking coming in virginia. little bit lighter than usual. > back over to news. 5s5:55 now. degrees. richard gere e, office
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what happenedbout with prince harry. trouble. duquesne justice of cambridge after -- the duke and duchess of cambridge are toplessafter hotographs of the princess or published in a french magazine. family will
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investigate their legal options f privacy.on o there were at a private estate cousin.s >> now hollywood is trying to rebound. review.pbell has a >> good morning. a wall street operator feels the in the new movie called cartridge. -- arbitrage. a great turn for richard gere. life comes crashing down on him as he kills his mistress in an automobile wreck, covers up the crash, and leaves the scene publicity might ruin a deal to sell his company where he cooks the books. it has tension, and act out in performance ort richard gere. 3 stars. -- and action.


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